Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2021, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (3): 356-364.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.010
• Integration Evaluation and Development • Previous Articles Next Articles
WANG Yanqi(),HE Qing,LONG Zhiping
CLC Number:
Yanqi WANG,Qing HE,Zhiping LONG. Main progress and development direction of shale gas drilling and completion technologies in southeastern Chongqing[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2021, 11(3): 356-364.
Table 1
Comparison of existing and reinforcement parameters"
开次 | 井径(mm) | 钻压(kN) | 排量(L/s) | 泵压(MPa) | 钻头压降(MPa) | 钻头水功率(kW) | 射流冲击力(N) | |||||||||||
强化前 | 强化后 | 强化前 | 强化后 | 强化前 | 强化后 | 强化前 | 强化后 | 强化前 | 强化后 | 强化前 | 强化后 | |||||||
一开 | 311.2 | 120 ~ 140 | 160 ~ 220 | 55 | 65 ~ 70 | 14.71 | 25.54 | 1.92 | 8.44 | 105.79 | 506.32 | 3 901.5 | 8 915.0 | |||||
二开 | 215.9 | 60 ~ 120 | 140 ~ 200 | 28 | 31 ~ 34 | 27.25 | 31.66 | 2.22 | 4.29 | 74.19 | 117.51 | 2 543.7 | 4 311.4 |
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