Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2021, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 62-71.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.01.009
• Shale Gas Exploration • Previous Articles Next Articles
Wu Yanyan1(),Gao Yuqiao2,Chen Yunyan1,Li Hui1,Cai Xiao1,Ding Anxu1
CLC Number:
Yanyan Wu,Yuqiao Gao,Yunyan Chen, et al. Characteristics and geological significance of pore and fracture of shale gas reservoirs in Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation, southeastern Chongqing[J]. Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2021, 11(1): 62-71.
Table 1
Evaluation parameters of ①—⑤ layers in Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation of four wells"
井号 | 底深 (m) | 厚度 (m) | 地层 压力 系数 | TOC(%) | Ro(%) | 总孔隙度(%) | 覆压孔隙度(%) | 脆性矿物(%) | 总含气量(m3/t) | |||||||||||
范围 | 平均值 | 范围 | 平均值 | 范围 | 平均值 | 范围 | 平均值 | 范围 | 平均值 | 范围 | 平均值 | |||||||||
HD1 | 2 698 | 31 | 1.3 | 0.94~4.6 | 2.24 | 2.57~3.2 | 2.89 | 3.25~4.78 | 3.79 | 3.14~4.07 | 3.54 | 48.1~73.8 | 61.6 | 2.54~4.13 | 3.24 | |||||
HD2 | 3 469 | 30 | 1.31 | 0.89~7.06 | 2.03 | 2.46~2.97 | 2.77 | 2.13~4.28 | 3.03 | 1.28~3.97 | 2.52 | 47.4~62.1 | 55.4 | 2.47~5.28 | 3.54 | |||||
HD3 | 4 410 | 30 | 1.35 | 2.08~7.73 | 3.62 | 2.26~2.77 | 2.48 | 2.5~4.14 | 3.31 | 2.04~3.50 | 2.74 | 42.7~69.0 | 52.4 | 3.21~4.43 | 3.75 | |||||
HD4 | 2 836 | 32 | 1.08 | 4.77~6.21 | 5.22 | 2.29~2.96 | 2.52 | 3.12~5.50 | 4.47 | 2.43~5.19 | 4.33 | 46.8~72.0 | 63.5 | 1.35~2.85 | 2.16 |
Table 2
Results of liquid nitrogen experiment and fractal calculation of pore structure of shale samples"
井号 | BET比表面积(m3/g) | 平均孔径(nm) | 分形维数 | |||||
范围 | 平均值 | 范围 | 平均值 | 范围 | 平均值 | |||
HD1 | 14.4~24.3 | 18.2 | 3.28~4.06 | 3.75 | 2.851 0~2.902 4 | 2.873 0 | ||
HD2 | 10.6~33.8 | 16.9 | 2.92~4.18 | 3.70 | 2.851 0~2.918 0 | 2.875 9 | ||
HD3 | 16.3~34.9 | 21.1 | 3.20~4.19 | 3.80 | 2.464 2~2.897 7 | 2.834 8 | ||
HD4 | 22.4~30.0 | 25.7 | 3.66~4.30 | 3.96 | 2.810 5~2.861 1 | 2.841 0 |
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